Emotional health
The Gift of Relationship
The stress of holiday gift-giving is often overwhelming, particularly so during these economic times. Big emotions can be stirred in us when our kids come to us with a huge list or seem ungrateful for the incredible gifts they did get. It’s easy for both parent and child to get pulled into the consumerism of…
Read MoreResilience through the Storm
How do some people bounce back from stress and adversity, seemingly unscathed, while others fall apart and become emotionally distraught and dysfunctional? This is one of the crucial questions of our time. Emotional readiness for adversity—whether it be everyday challenges or larger losses– is just as important as physical preparedness to thrive in these turbulent…
Read MoreUnderstanding the Bully Dynamic
Pink Shirt Day, an annual event happening on February 28th this year, inspired this article. Pink Shirt Day “aims to raise awareness of [bullying], as well as raise funds to support programs that foster children’s healthy self-esteem,” and was inspired by an act of kindness in small-town Nova Scotia. “Two boys and their teenage friends organized…
Read MoreSetting the Stage for Play to Find Us
My childhood memories revolve around playing endless games of tag, hide and seek, and running bases with my brothers. We also spent lots of time camping as a family, catching salamanders in culverts, fishing in remote rivers, and playing Marco Polo anywhere we went swimming. My father was a wonderful storyteller, teasing our imagination with…
Read MoreWhen Kids Misbehave
Dr. Neufeld completed a series of interviews with Kids in the House, this one on behavior problems. I’m pleased to have permission to share these informative videos to bring you Dr. Neufeld’s attachment-based, developmentally friendly parenting advice — in three minutes or less! When kids misbehave| Find More Parenting Tips, Advice, and Videos at…
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