Parenting the Sensitive Child

Sensitive Child

If the tag on your child’s shirt feels this big, and the seams on their socks are so annoying they have to turn the socks inside out, and the noise of the automatic flush toilets in the mall send them running out in tears, chances are you have a sensitive child. These children are also stirred…

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Cultivating Resilience in Our Children

Resilient child

What makes one person robust in the face of adversity, and another fragile and weak? Human beings have the potential to be incredibly adaptive, but not everybody develops this capacity. It is not so much what happens to us, but our response to it that matters. I am fascinated with resilience, and how to cultivate…

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September Separations

Separation Anxiety

Whether you’re a preschooler or a big kid, September usually involves a big transition from the long luxurious days of summer to school, schedules, and routines. That means many of our children are facing separation – not just from their favourite summer activities but also from the most significant people in their lives. Feeling close…

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WHO’S IN CHARGE? Being in Right Relationship with our Children

Bossy Alpha Children

A growing number of children and youth today are presenting as demanding, prescriptive, bossy and controlling. “You can’t tell me what to do!” “Not this way, that way!” “Give me that right now!” “You have to listen to me!” “Mom, you need to relax!” Every child talks like this from time to time, but some…

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Parenting through September School Transitions

If your kids are cranky and uncooperative and you think your parenting is to blame, you may want to reconsider. Letting go of glorious summer to face school routines isn’t easy. Many kids have separation anxiety. Kids naturally have mixed emotions, which may spill out as tantrums, new monsters under the bed, refusals to do…

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